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Unpleasant surprises can come up when trying to buy a home

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2016 | Real Estate Closings |

Unpleasant surprises can be problematic in any context. They can be particularly so though when buying a home. Unfortunately, there are many different types of such surprises that could potentially arise for a buyer in relation to a real estate closing.

One is a discovery of problems with the title or other key documents. When a home buyer encounters such problems, they may have many questions regarding what can be done in response to the problems. So, when document problems come up in a real estate closing, a home buyer may want to discuss the problems with an attorney skilled in real estate closing matters.

Another thing that could be a source of unpleasant surprises for a buyer when trying to bring a real estate transaction to a conclusion is what is in the house.

One example of this is a seller leaving behind an object in the home that the buyer wasn’t expecting. Now, sometimes, left-behind items are small and not that big of a deal. Other times though, they can be quite large and could pose some logistical and cost problems when it comes to their removal.

Another example of an object-related unpleasant surprise a home buyer could experience is the seller having taken an object that the buyer was under the impression would be included along with the house in the purchase.

Such object-related unpleasant surprises can present some real difficulties for home buyers, and in some instances could put a planned real estate transaction at risk of breaking down.

As this discussion illustrates, a lot of different challenges can come up in relation to real estate closings. This is why good legal advice can be a key thing for a homebuyer to have when in the process of trying to close on a home.

Source: The New York Times, “You’re Taking That With You, Right?,” Joanne Kaufman, July 8, 2016